
Millennial Buying Power Poised to Boost Homeownership

Millennial Buying Power Poised to Boost Homeownership | Simplifying The MarketIn a recent article by Realtor Magazine, Mark Fleming, Chief Economist of First American Financial Corporation, notes, “The largest group of millennials by birth year will turn 30 in 2020, which puts them entering their prime homebuying years”. The article continues to describe how millennials have more buying-power than the generations that preceded them, making […]

Seniors Are on the Move

Seniors Are on the Move in the Real Estate Market | Simplifying The MarketDid you know August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day? According to the United States Census, we honor senior citizens today because,  “Throughout our history, older people have achieved much for our families, our communities, and our country. That remains true today and gives us ample reason…to reserve a special day in honor of the […]

Americans Rank Real Estate Best Investment for 6 Years Running! [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights:

Real estate has outranked stocks/mutual funds, gold, savings accounts/CDs, and bonds as the best long-term investment among Americans for the last 6 years.
Stock owners are more positive about real estate than stocks as an investmen…

Multigenerational Homes Are on the Rise

Multigenerational Homes Are on the Rise | Simplifying The MarketAs loved ones start to get older, we start to wonder: how long will they be able to live alone? Will they need someone there to help them with daily life? There’s a reason to ask those questions now more than ever, as the average age in the U.S. is 78 years old!  As a […]